Academic scholarships in the u.s.a.
Academic Scholarships
At MAE we also help those students who do not practice sports but are interested in being admitted to prestigious American universities with a scholarship.
There is no stipulation of a scholarship amount per grade since each university establishes its criteria for determining the amount of the scholarship. Sometimes the scholarship can be high enough to reduce the total cost of studies.
How do we work?
- We evaluate the student’s academic profile.
- We study the possibilities before the beginning of the process (no-obligation consultation).
- Documents preparation.
- We elaborate a pre-selection of universities.
- We apply to the pre-selected universities.
- We advise you on the final choice, handle the paperwork with the chosen university, and arrange the visa.
- Once you’re in your destination, we won’t forget about you. We keep in touch with all our students and make sure they are meeting their goals.
In order to obtain an Academic Scholarship at one of the thousands of U.S. colleges and universities, we need the student to have an excellent academic record, in addition to passing the SAT and TOEFL tests with a high grade. Here you can find an estimation of the scores that are required:

This is the American college entrance exam. It consists of two parts, English and Mathematics. You can take the test as many times as you need.
Score | 1300/1600

Your TOEFL score will not determine whether your scholarship will be higher or lower, but it will be a requirement for the admission to the university.
Score | 89/120

The academic record of the students who are considering getting access to good academic scholarships must be from 9/10. The average mark of the 3rd and 4th year of ESO and 1st year of Bachillerato will be taken into account.
Ivy League
The well-known and prestigious “Ivy League” consists of 8 research universities located in the Northeastern region of the country. These universities began as an athletic league and are now considered to be some of the best universities in the world.